Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jury Duty

Some of you may recall that I was the nerd that was kind of excited to go to my jury duty orientation.  Be careful what you wish for!

I got my summons on Monday to appear on Tuesday, and later found it was the first trial that came up this term.  Aren't I lucky?  It's funny how the first thing people tell you when you say you have jury duty is suggestions for getting out of it.

It took almost 2 hours to get the group of 35-40 whittled down to 12.  I again was one of the lucky ones. (Why can't this luck carry over to Powerball?)  As things were already behind we jumped right into the trial.  

Ten very long hours later I had participated in finding a man guilty of a misdemeanor and sending him to jail for 30 days with an additional fine of $500.

I was totally fine with our conclusion.  There was clear evidence of his guilt (failing to submit to arrest to a known law enforcement officer) by way of a 911 recording.  We didn't even really have to decide who among the 4 witnesses was the most trustworthy.  We haggled a little over the sentencing because the guy seems like a nice, intelligent, hard-working man and is the sole provider for his family of 5, but he is a bit "misguided" as one of my fellow jurors put it.  Each of us compromised and felt like we had a fair decision we could all live with and would hopefully send him a little wake up call to straighten up and fly right.

I was good with it all and SO ready to go home.  Then, the bailiff put the cuffs on him, and he waved to his family that was in the courtroom, including a 4-month-old daughter.  I have to admit I teared up a little.  I know, I'm weak!!!

All the way home I couldn't shake the thought that I had just sent a man to jail.  Who am I to judge the actions of others? That's not my job!  It's up to Him to judge us all.  I am merely here as a servant of His to show His love and goodness to others.  This man will miss a month of his baby girl's life.  Think how much a baby changes in a month!  He will miss his youngest son's 2nd birthday.  I know the point of consequences is to miss things and learn a lesson, but it's tough for me to be a part of that.  The foreman even told me during sentencing that I am not the one that put him in this position.  

I'm sure many of you scoff at my sensitivity as most of the people I talked to about it today did.  However, until you are in the position, you don't really know how you are going to feel.  

I don't think we made a bad decision, but I hate that it came to this point.  I wish I could tell him and his family why we made the decisions we made and beg them (the mom has legal issues herself) to turn their lives around for their kids. (The baby girl was absolutely adorable and well-behaved!).  The only the I can really do is pray for them, and I have been.  I really hope this is his last bit of trouble with the justice system. 

Say what you will.  I'm weak.  I'm soft.  I'm silly.  Or say even worse.  I am not ashamed that my heart is touched and hurt by what transpired in my life yesterday.  It's an experience I won't soon forget, and I'm proud to serve my civic duty.  However, it's an experience I hope I don't ever repeat.

Here's a picture of my souvenir. 

Sorry I was so long-winded.  I've had a lot on my mind with this one.


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