Friday, August 9, 2013

Crazy Day

I'm coming to you live from Joseph's phone in Branson, MO tonight. Is that dedication, or what?

It's been an adventure getting here.  I left work an hour and a half later than I planned, so I had to rush through packing and loading the car. Rylee fussed a good part of the almost 2 hour drive. 

Then, just as we were getting to town, a ginormous torrential rain storm hit. I mean, it was seriously coming down, folks!!  The roads instantly flooded and traffic (which is always crazy in Branson) was at a near standstill. 

We finally got to Roark Valley Road and the storm dissipated.  Just when we thought we were getting somewhere, there was a road closed due to flooding. The water flowing out of the rocks on the sides of the road was pretty awesome.  My only picture blurred though. Sorry!

Anyway, we kicked back to 76 from the detour and had to fight traffic to get back to a side road.  Once we did, it was just a couple of minutes to our hotel.

Rylee was thrilled to be out of her car seat!  The hotel was nice enough - cheap but clean.  However, our room was HOT!  We unloaded the car and headed to Walmart.  In my rush of packing, I'd forgotten diapers.  Duh!  Plus, we wanted some snacks since we have a microwave and refrigerator, and we hope the room would cool off while we were gone.  Not so much!

Joseph went to the front desk to tell them about the hot room.  The clerk was a little lippy but gave us a new room just down the hall.  She was much nicer when he returned the "old" room key.  And yes, they still use real keys!

We finally got settled and ready for bed around 11:00.  Ugh!!  I had to fight Rylee to sleep, but Aiden has passed right out.  

There is no telling what adventure tomorrow holds.  I'm just happy to be with my family, away from my messy house, and ready to have fun.


Day 27 of 365 - my first phone post

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