Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fundraiser - Part 2 - Finale!

So, we got all the fundraiser orders delivered to PeaceKids this morning. I looked like almost everything had been picked up when we left up there this afternoon after picking Rylee up. We even happened to be there at the same time as the best seller this morning, so I could just hand off her box. 

thought tonight was going to get completely derailed though. Rylee has really been struggling with various maladies over the past month - fevers, rashes, teething, runny nose, cough, restlessness, fussiness. We had a good conversation with Ms. Melinda this afternoon because she wanted to show us pictures of the rash on Rylee's back from earlier today. It wasn't too bad - clusters of these tiny bumps all over her back and front, and it already looked less red when we got her. Yesterday it was a flair up of eczema on her face. We thought maybe she was allergic to Bendaryl. Now, we are back to thinking that maybe it's milk. I think we're going to take her off milk for a few days and see if it clears up. If not, we'll guess at something else. If so, I guess she won't be drinking milk. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to bother her at all. I think the fussiness is because she's tired. The new and busier classroom, plus a time change is not making for a rested baby girl, especially with so much other crud going on with her. 

Joseph is also under the weather again. He's felt yucky most of the day and been chilled most of the evening and is presently snoring up a storm on the couch. We still split most of our usual chores, but I made sure to clean the kitchen and take out the trash and recycling. I still need to get the baby bar (water and formula ready to go for overnight feeding) set up, fill out cards for Aiden to take to school tomorrow, and I just got sidetracked because Rylee woke up. He's taken her, so I can try to get all of this done and in bed before midnight. I don't see it happening. 

However, I did get the teacher gifts packaged and the check written, so I can deliver it all tomorrow morning. 

Another PeaceKids fundraiser in the books. Yay!!! Now, I get to finally start on some follow ups from my drawing box - tomorrow. :)


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