Monday, November 18, 2013


It's amazing what I can get done in a night when I don't have to help Aiden with homework (thanks to it getting done in after school care) AND Rylee naps for almost an hour after we get home.

I hung out with Aiden, washe and dried a big load of sheets and towels, put out fresh towels, put up some fall decorations we found over the weekend, cleaned bottles, folded and put away 2 loads of clothes (Joseph and Aiden actually put away the boy's clothes), and loaded the dishwasher.  Whew!!  No wonder I'm tired!  Lol!

I even had time to play with te kids before they started bedtime routines.
That would be Aiden under the laundry basket, and a crazy-haired Rylee trying to climb on top of it. Good times!

Now, I'm going to relax with a loaded (with peppermint schnapps) cup of tea (to beat this cough) and hopefully, get to bed by 10.  

This cold is wreaking havoc on my business, but I just don't have it in me to work it right now.

I can't tell you the last time I just relaxed. I'm kinda looking forward to it.  ;)


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