Friday, May 16, 2014

Good start to the weekend

I'm sitting on the futon listening to a gentle rain and feeling very relieved that I survived this CRAZY week.

The weekend is off to a pretty good start.  Aiden went to the school dance by himself (no mommy chaperone).
In one way I was sad to see my baby growing up, but on the other I was proud that he's out if his shell enough to want to do this.

While he was doing his thing, we got Joseph some elbow braces at Academy (much cheaper than everywhere else) and picked up his prescription.  Then went out for pizza at Jim's.  

After putting some gas in the tank, we picked Aiden up and went home.  Rylee was a bit cranky all night, and I'm wondering if it's after effects of the shots.  Boo!  She was ready for bed not long after we for home.  Poor baby!  Aiden fell asleep on the couch pretty quick thereafter too.  Lol!

With both kids in bed, we were going to watch some DVR, but a Scentsy buddy I've been trying to connect with all week saw me on Facebook and asked if I was available.  I figured it was as good a time as any, so we had a great chat.  I absolutely love getting to know other consultants.  This is the best job ever!   Of course, Joseph fell asleep waiting on me though.

Now I'm going to finish my snack and take it to bed.  I have much to do in the morning before we hit the road for Batesville.  I should probably make a list...


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