Sunday, January 1, 2012

Why and How

We are 3 people in a 1525 sq ft house, and we have WAY too much stuff. It crowds the cabinets, the drawers, the closets, the garage, the attic, a storage building in the backyard, and an offsite storage unit. RIDICULOUS!!! Last week we redecorated my son's room, and it took the entire house to empty his room for the event. I finally decided that enough is enough and found a blog topic. ;)

I am very busy, so this will not happen quickly. I vow to work at it a little at a time and get help when needed. The plan is to do larger projects (i.e closets) on days off and small projects (i.e. a drawer or cabinet) daily. Hopefully by summer most of my house will be de-cluttered and more functional for the entire family. I will keep myself accountable by posting before and after pictures here and telling how I get it done. Maybe I'll inspire you to find easier ways to get things done around your house too.

Yard sale and massive donations to the Salvation Army are in my future! Wish me luck!


  1. Decluttering can be such a challange Heather. Good luck to you hun!

  2. I've just finished cleaning up the house for the year and threw away a lot of little things. It makes a difference. We have had many garage sales over the years and it sure helps to make the house more liveable if you declutter!
