Monday, January 2, 2012

First Stop - Bathroom

Since I was still off for the New Year's holiday, I decided to start with a major project - the bathroom closet. Yes, I am very lucky to have a good-sized, shelved closet in my bathroom. It needed some serious work though.

I started at the bottom and worked my way up, doing just one shelf at a time.  It took quite a bit of time to get it done the way I wanted.  I spent about 2 hours on it yesterday and at least that much today too (today was harder to measure time-wise because I had several interuptions and was watching HGTV at the same time).  Joseph had to do his top shelf with me, but he was glad to find some things he'd been missing and toss things he'd forgotten he had.  One of my absolute favorite things right now are plastic shoe boxes.  They cost less than a $1 at Walmart and can be used to store a multitude of items, but I've never actually used them for shoes.  :) 

Two bags of trash and 2  bags of yard sale/donation items, and the closet is much improved.  I was even able to move the dirty clothes basket out of the closet into here.


I try to go through our medicines every 6 months and throw out anything that has expired.  Some things don't have expirations dates, but I know I've had them past their prime.  Don't keep things that have less than one use left either.  Toss it!

I keep "go-bags" of our travel toiletries at the ready all the time.  This is a tip from my mom that I am so thankful to follow.  You never know when you're going to have to leave home in a hurry for an emergency and this little step will help more than you can imagine.  Trust me!  Plus, it makes packing for weekend getaways easier too.  :)  I took this a step further today and created a bag for each of us instead of one big zipped bag.  I also keep a "go-bag" of common medicines (antibiotic cream, headache pills, stomach pills, etc.) for travel too.  I made regular use of my go-bags this year with my mom's knee problems and will never not have them again.  Thanks, Mom!

I've already started on the master bedroom closet and have seen improvement, but it's still a work in progress.  Alas, tomorrow is back to work, so I'll moving on to small problem areas.  At least I've started. .  .

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Heather. you are well on your way! Closit looks great and thanks for the go bag tip. Great idea!
