Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bedtime Frustrations

I spent 2 hours getting my 6-year-old to bed tonight, and I am pretty frustrated about it.  Granted, some of this time did include a bath and teeth brushing, but still.  I, of course, ended up in tears talking to Joseph in the kitchen.  I'm so blessed that he tolerates my crazy, emotional self.  Since he had trouble getting Rylee to bed, I wonder if we should have switched kids tonight.  Hmmm....

Anyway, back to the 6-year-old.  I have had bedtime issues with this child since he was born.  Seriously!  His very first night of life outside my body, and he would not stay in the nursery.  I was trying to rest and sleep off the anesthesia, but the nurses kept bring him to me saying he was hungry.  I would try to nurse, he would go to sleep, we would call the nursery. . . an hour later we would do it all over again.  Until I gave up and just let him sleep with me.  Problem solved, problem created.  This child has wanted to sleep in my bed with me every since.  I remember spending 45 minutes to an hour and a half trying to get him to his crib (which was in our room because we were paranoid) when he was around 6 months old.  I would try everything: bottles, rocking, singing, crying (usually both of us).  I'd get him to sleep, and as soon as I lay him down the beautiful little eyes would pop right open.  Oh, the struggles!!  His own room and a toddler bed (with the Backyardians on it) was a fight too when we was about 3.  One of us would sit down in his room by his bed and creep out with our fingers crossed that he stayed asleep.  Fortunately, as he got older he became a much deeper sleeper.  A mack truck could plow through this house while he was asleep, and he would never know it.  When he was in Kindergarten last year, we had a routine, and he stuck to it really well: a little tv on sleep timer and/or a book and off to sleep.  Worked great. . . until summer break.  We thought we had the latest battle won: one of us would watch tv with him (usually Happy Days) figuring he needed the alone time with us with a baby in the house, turn the tv off, he falls asleep in about 15-20 minutes, we leave.  Well, tonight was a battle of wills because he wanted to sleep in my bed.  I think he just stayed up too late and slept too late at Nana and Popaw's last night and wasn't quite ready for bed.  I think I'll be glad when we can get back into a school routine.  He needs it, and so do I.

In case you are curious, Rylee is different. . . sort of.  She does need her bottle and being held, but most nights the transfer to crib (pack 'n play in our room for another month or so) goes well.  I've even had her wake up, look at me, roll over, and go to sleep many nights.  Granted she still needs a bottle in the middle of the night, and he didn't at this age.  I'll take that over 2 hour bedtime struggles any day, especially since we cheat and put her in bed with us for the middle of the night bottle.  I know we shouldn't, but I have to work which means I have to sleep.  I can't afford to lose an hour of sleep in the middle of the night waiting for her to finish a bottle.  Sorry.  I'll probably have the same struggles with her later down the road.  I probably should have learned my lesson with the first one.  Oh well, sleep is important for all of us, and sometimes you have to make compromises to make it happen.

Speaking of sleep, I need to go get some myself.  I hope you have a restful night and sweet dreams.


Day 17 of 365

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