Monday, July 22, 2013


While the boy is "vactioning" at Grandma and Grandpa's house, Joseph decided to get us caught up on some of our DVR watching.  We just don't watch a lot of TV when he's home, and what we do watch is limited because it has to be appropriate for him.

First up was Under the Dome.  We were only two weeks behind on that one, so it was pretty easy to catch up.  I actually read the Stephen King novel a couple of years ago, so it's not a new plot line for me.  However, I love watching a King novel come to life on the screen.  I'm a very imaginative reader, so it's fun for me to determine if they got the casting "right" or filmed a storyline or scene "correctly."  You get the idea.  A guy I work with read the book with me, so we are  critiquing every move they're making with the series.  I was feeling kinda bad for being behind and not able to have our weekly discussion.  So far so good with the series.  I am super curious to send how they end it because when I finished the book I wanted to throw it across the room.  I would have too if the dang thing didn't weigh 10 pounds.  Time will tell.

Next up was The Bible series that aired back in the spring in the 5 weeks leading up to Easter.  We watched the first 3 episodes right off the bat, and I really enjoyed it.  In my humble opinion, Mark Burnett and Roma Downey did a fine job bringing the Bible to life.  I mean there is only so much you can do with such an important book over 10 hours of TV-time, but I think the point is getting across.  Joseph isn't much of a reader, so this is a great way for him to get some Bible time.  I even read the Guideposts story of how Mr. Burnett came to decide to do the series as I'm a subscriber, and I can appreciate his desire to bring the Bible to so many people.  Anyway, I digress.  We watched episode 4 last night, and I was trying to write here while I watched from the couch.  Well, the wifi was being persnickety, and the battery was low which ended up putting me in my kitchen office.  Not a bad thing since I can totally hear the tv from here and can easily turn and watch when I want to see an important moment.  OK, I am seriously tired because I keep going down these bunny trails.  Geesh!  I will try to focus.  As I watched the first hour from the couch, it was covering the first miracles Jesus performed.  As I was watching Him (yes, I know it was an actor, but he was good), heal the leper that everyone else was ridiculing, I was so deeply touched.  I was reminded that He didn't care who you were or where you were from or what malady you possessed, He loved them all.  Then, it dawned on me that it's not past tense - He loves all of us.  I had this feeling that I couldn't wait to be with Him and to bask in His everlasting goodness.  Of course, it hit me that I would have to be dead to experience Him that way, and I'm not quite ready for that.  So, I've really been thinking today about what made me feel that way (the residual is still with me) and what it means in my life.  For one thing, it was amazing to watch someone so kind and loving.  Our world today is filled with so much hustle and bustle and rudeness and meanness, and yeah there is some outright evil too.  It was restful to see pure love in action.  And then it struck me that perhaps I've finally fallen in love with my Saviour.  As I mentioned before, I'm doing a Bible study and am getting deeper into His word.  I have discovered awe-inspiring things in the Bible that I'd never connected before.  Then, to visually see Him doing and saying all these things I've been reading.....sigh.  Yeah, I think I'm in love.  He deserves my love and so much more.  I'm going to sob (I got pretty teary last night) watching the last episode when I see His final hours on earth and how He was tortured and remember He did it all for me.  The guilt is overwhelming even though I know it's how it was meant to be, had to be, to save my soul.  I get teary just typing about it.  Anyway, I could go on and on and with this topic.  It's very near and dear to my heart at this moment, but as I mentioned earlier I am very tired.  I'm still meditating on this feeling from last night and figuring out where it belongs, but for now I'm going to be joyful to be in love with Him and be thankful that He experienced it all for me.  It did it all for you too.  Have you fallen in love yet?


Day 9 of 365

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