Sunday, July 21, 2013

Friend Time

Well, last night was about couple time, so tonight is about time with friends.  In my case, time with my best friend.  For the past several years (somewhere around 9, I think), Heather Dolan and I have had an annual girls weekend in Tulsa for the Creating Keepsakes Convention.  What started as a day trip to shop for new scrapbooking supplies has turned into a 4 day/3 night fun fest of shopping, classes, eating, talking, shopping, mingling, cooking, talking, and shopping.  Yes, that is a lot of shopping and talking because that is probably our favorite part, and yes we cook because now we get a hotel suite with a kitchenette to save money for more shopping.  LOL!

This year I seriously considered not going for many reasons.  Money is a little tighter with a baby in the house, not to mention the medical expenses we've incurred over the past year.  Plus, I don't have my "fun money" now that I don't work at Signed Sealed Delivered.  (My Scentsy money is earmarked for debt reduction.)  And, I was a little nervous about leaving my baby for so many days.  Don't get me wrong Joseph is a FANTASTIC dad, but dad's just aren't as good about waking up in the night when baby needs attention.  Unfortunately, Rylee isn't as thorough a sleeper as her brother.  Then, I have the fact that it's during the end of Aiden's first week in 1st grade.  Well, you get the idea - many concens.  Then, I went and reserved a room in a different hotel - nonrefundable.  I was beginning to think it was a sign that I just shouldn't go.  I even told Heather to plan to take somebody else.  She, of course, being the good friend that she is wouldn't hear of it and offered ideas to help us find some spending money (she's out of fun money too without SSD).

After some careful consideration, nudging from Joseph, and driving by the location yesterday I realized that I can't not go.  I seriously had flutters in my tummy when I saw the Renaissance yesterday on our way to Cheddar's.  I knew then that I had to go.  After dinner, Joseph even drove me around helping me find our "new" hotel.  (Didn't I tell you he was awesome?)  Everything else will fall into place, I'm certain of it.  I'm going to see if I can find a resale shop to clear out some closet clutter (mine and Rylee's).  Plus, I have some Dooney & Burke bags that I really don't want because I adore my Grace Adele, so I'm going to try to find a place online to sell them.  I'm open to advise on both of these if anyone has any to offer.  I might even try to throw together a garage sale, if I get really ambitious.  That will alleviate the money issue, and Joseph has no issue with the kids (I think I'm getting my share of kid time before this event, but that's a whole other story and yet to be determined.)

Above all, I think it's important for me to have this time with my bestie.  We need it.  We need to be just us - not wife, not mommy - for just  little while.  This lets us be better wife and mommy the rest of the year.  Plus, we have SO little time together because we are busy with very different lives.  So, now I am happily planning in my head what classes I want to take.  I'm way behind because this part is usually done in May.  Oh well, I won't have to be so patient this year since the trip is just about a month away.  I think Heather and I need a lunch to plan. . .   It will take much planning for us to keep our budgets in check.  LOL!

What do you do to have some you time to be a better spouse or parent?  I'm also looking at some more regular me time, but I'll tell you about that later.  Now, it's time for bed.


Day 8 of 365

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