Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I had really hoped to be logged on much earlier, but a certain little somebody wanted to celebrated being 9 months old by playing with Momma instead of going to sleep.  Oh well, those moments are all too fleeting, so I indulged.  Then, I got sucked in to watching this week's episode of Under the Dome.  The next thing I know it's almost 11:00....again.  Time for what I think will be a short post topic - tattoos.

Is it just me or does it sometimes seem that EVERYbody has a tattoo?  While we were waiting for our table at Cheddar's Saturday night, I was people watching (as usual).  It struck me that almost every person that walked in the door had a tattoo - seriously.  The young, the older, men, women, well-dressed, casual-dressed - you name it.  This of course got me to thinking about my on again off again desire to get a tattoo of my own.  My mother is terrified that I already have one and swears she will kick my butt if she ever finds out that I have one.  I don't...yet.  I was among the many in college that considered getting a tattoo and had several friends with them.  One sorority sister had a multi-colored daisy chain around her belly button that we warned her she would have to share pictures of when she was pregnant later in life.  She had a baby last year, but I didn't see any pictures of the daisies.  :)  I even had one friend get a frog on her big toe.  That seemed odd to me and still does.  Sorry, Mel.  After college, I still regularly encounter friends and co-workers with tats.  A girl that used to do my hair got shears on her foot.  Cute idea - not so much for the night before she cut my hair.  I have lots of hair, and the wet mess didn't feel good hitting her fresh ink.  I think the pain distracted her to the point of messing up my cut.  I don't think I went back to her after that.  A Scentsy sister got a special word last year to remind her of those that have passed on.

 Last, but certainly not least, is Joseph.  He's had a small tattoo for a loooong time courtesy of his older brother.  For many years, he wanted to cover it up with a "real" tattoo design.  He searched the web and found what he wanted - a stylized leo (his zodiac) symbol with mine and the kids' names around it.  He actually wanted our names inside it to symbolize him being around us, protecting us.  Unfortunately, the artist we went to in Las Vegas last summer didn't think the names could be big enough inside the design.  I was kind of hoping that after sitting there for the couple of hours it took for Joseph to get his done (did I mention I was 6 months pregnant in Vegas in July?) that I wouldn't want one any more.  Wrong.  Now I really see what is involved it didn't really change my view.  I still want to, but I'm too chicken because I think it will hurt too much.  I was fine for a long time because I couldn't decide what I wanted or where to put it.  Now, that Joseph has his, I'm thinking I want one to "match".  Which means I know what I want and where I want it.  I'm running out of excuses not to do this.  The fear of pain factor is holding me strong among the tattoo free, but I don't know for how much longer.  I've thought about making it a reward at the end of a goal like getting to my goal weight or making Director with Scentsy, but I don't know if it would be a positive or negative reinforcement since I'm still too scared.  LOL!

Can you tell I've thought about this WAY too much?  I'll let you know if I ever conquer my fear, if you promise not to tell my mom.  I may be thirtysomething, but she IS still my mom.  :)


Day 11 of 365

P.S.  If you read last night, I have a quick update of sorts.  I did speak to a nice woman named Katie in the billing department today, and she is looking into the problem for me.  She thought it looked a little strange too, so I have my fingers crossed that they figure out we don't owe them anything.  I'll keep you posted.

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