Sunday, July 28, 2013


It was a good Sunday.  We had breakfast at IHOP, bought groceries, cleaned-up the boy's room, played, ate dinner, went for a walk/bike/stroller ride in this very not-July weather, had some Velata dessert, had baths and showers, and will soon all be in bed.

Part of my Sunday was wrapping up last week's Bible study.  All week has been about the power of words - good and bad.  Today was about letting go of words that have hurt us.  Boy, was that a doozy for me.  I won't go into the details, but let's just say that a lot of my insecurities come from words and actions that hurt me in the past.  I have had a very hard time shaking off that hurt and have days that it's as fresh as day one.  The end of the study encouraged us to pray aloud for God to wash away those words that hurt us and help us to heal.  Then, we needed to write a prayer of forgiveness for the one(s) that said the hurtful things.

I can begin to tell you how hard it is to get over hurtful words.  Like Beth Moore said "the old 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me' is a lie" is so true.  It seems words can hurt more than anything else because they hurt our soul.  Physical wounds heal, but wounds of the heart and soul don't always because it's up to us to do the healing.  Fortunately, we don't have to do it alone.  We can always ask for help from the One that loves us no matter what.  We are who He made us to be and that is plenty good enough.

Sorry for the short post, but I want to get to bed before midnight.  Plus, this was the message that came to me, and I hope it helps somebody else out there who sometimes feels less than worthy.


Day 15 of 365

P.S.  Thanks to my mother-in-love (it's more than the law that makes us family) and my best friends for the words of encouragement after last night's post.  Things were much better today, and I think we have a plan to work it out.

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