Thursday, August 8, 2013

Bed time

I am so utterly sleepy tonight that I don't have a clue what to write about.  My eyes are actually burning, I'm so tired.  There are a few topics floating around in my head, but I'm not ready to post those yet.

I've got to find a better routine, so I'm not writing so late.  I used to be really good at this time of night, but not so much anymore.  This week is especially kicking my butt, and for no apparent reason other than the fact that I can't remember the last time I got to bed before midnight.

I think I'm going to have to work out something else for the evenings.  I'm not even getting to "my" stuff (showers, chores, Scentsy, etc.) until 10:00 most nights.  This must change.

I'm hoping that getting back to school on the 19th will help with this.  First of all, Aiden will need to get to bed sooner.  Secondly, we'll probably get home at least a half hour (maybe an hour) sooner because we won't be picking Aiden up from my parents' and spending time chatting before heading home.  This will give us more time for chores and dinner before the kids go to bed.

I guess, that the ticket.  I'll re-evaluate and improve our evening schedule, so we can get things done and still have time for the kids, each other, and ourselves.  It'll be good conversation for the ride to Branson this weekend.

We're headed that way tomorrow for a last hoorah before school starts.  No big plans, just the 4 of out having fun.  It seems Branson will be quite busy (tough time finding a room), so we may not do our usual stuff.  If it wasn't so dang tired, I'd probably already be 95% packed but not tonight.  Hopefully, I can get off work around 2 tomorrow, so I can come home and pack before picking everybody up.  That sounds like a plan.

First step, I need to get some sleep.


Day 26 of 365

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