Wednesday, September 11, 2013

12 years

It's incredible to believe it has been 12 years since the worst terror attack on US soil.  This is the first year that I've avoided television coverage of any memorials.  There have been plenty of reminders though, and I still tear up if I take much time to think about it. 

This is the ribbon I wear every year on the anniversary to honor a young woman from my home town who died that day.  Her and her family are the ones I think about the most on this day.  

This is pretty close to how I remember her when she was in high school.  I was in junior high, and she was one of those girls that the girls my age looked up to - she was pretty and popular and smart and kind.  The kind of person you wanted to be when you got older.

This is the graphic some of us from Batesville or those that knew her use as a memorial every year on Facebook.  She seems to have been very happy.

I hate to think that the terrorists won, but in many ways they did.  Our world today is  NOT the same as it was September 10, 2001.  We try to blame the politicians - the president and congress mostly.  But we changed as a people on 9/11/01.  We don't live the same way because we are afraid.  Afraid of what exactly?  I don't think we know.  We don't travel as much or buy as much, and the long term effect has been a lousy economy.  

We shouldn't live our lives in fear.  I guess we can't help it because we lost our innocence that day.  We will never forget the ones we lost or how we felt.  

God bless us all!!


Day 58 of 365

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