Thursday, September 26, 2013


I have had so much change in my life in the last year - a new baby, a major layoff at work, Joseph's health scare, a new position at work. I'm kind of tired of change. I used to think I liked change. That it renewed and refreshed. I now know that I don't adapt to change as well as I used to. I'm getting old and set in my ways. When things are running smoothly, I rather like them to stay that way. We've had another big change at work. I think it's good, but I'm apprehensive at the same time. I've had two really tough weeks and am looking at working quite a bit this weekend, so maybe I'm feeling a little jaded. I know I need some rest. I probably need a break. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday, and I so hope I can get a lot done and not need to work this weekend. I've got other things I need and want to do this weekend - like hang with my family, laundry, cleaning, and Scentsy stuff. I think I'm going to bed early tonight. I could use the extra sleep and maybe it will give me some better perspective in the morning. I might need a good long prayer before I sleep too. On top of everything else, I need to make a business decision, like tomorrow. I want to make that leap of faith, but I'm afraid to fail. As I type that I'm reminded that it's not faith if I'm afraid. I need to put my trust in Him and go with my instincts. Hmmmm. . . maybe that's the answer I've been looking for the last 2 days. ~Heather

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