Saturday, September 14, 2013

Just when I think things might be getting better

So, most of you who know me are probably wondering what's up with me lately. I have written the last 2 nights, I just chose not to post it on Facebook as I've been in a pretty rotten mood. I don't know if it's hormones, lack of sleep, over-commitment, or just life. All I know is that I have been rather fed up with a lot of things. I still don't know how to fix anything, but I'm still doing a whole lot of thinking. I'll get there. I just need some time. I've enjoyed some conversations with Joseph. He always makes me feel better. One of the things I need is more time with him, and that is a pretty easy fix. With 2 small kids in the house, we need a date night in order to converse without interruption. We'll just have to decide how often and talk to potential baby-sitters. I know the grandparents are always willing, so I don't think that will be a problem. I've also benefited from some blog posts by Allison Dalke. I don't know how she so often writes things that I need to see, but she does. I'm not even sure she knows how inspiring she is to other people. It flatters me that she follows my craziness here. Thanks, Allison!! I'm right on the verge of seriously committing myself to a healthier lifestyle that involves running. So many people recommend the Couch to 5K program, so I'm going to drag my fat hinny out of bed at 5:30 Monday morning and get moving. We'll see how that goes. At least I'm making this decision when the weather is awesome for such a program. I do so love this time of year. We came to Oklahoma today to visit Joseph's parents, and I brought some Scentsy work with me. I got a lot done getting ready for a fundraiser that I'm doing with PeaceKids next month. I also labelled some catalogs and fall flyers and worked a little on a mail out I'm getting ready to send. At any rate, I was feeling quite a bit better about myself. Then, I read my email. I'm not going to go into the details. I'm just irritated that people will communicate with you, ask things of you, and not do what they say they're going to do even when you do what they've asked of you. I just don't get how people can just be rude. I guess I should be grateful that this person told me and didn't just leave me hanging, but still. What the heck?? I'm seriously losing all faith in people. Didn't their Momma's teach them any better? Well, I know the answer to that one. . . Tomorrow is another day, and I will trudge on. Thanks for hanging in there with me. I think things will be better soon. I'll tell you how it goes. ~Heather I have totally lost track of what day I'm on, but I will keep writing. LOL!!

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