Sunday, September 15, 2013

No excuses

I'm hoping that tomorrow is the start of a whole new world for me.  I know each day is a new beginning, and I need to take one day at a time.  I also need a fresh start at something to get me out of this funk.

I spent some quality Scentsy time this weekend working on my scalable system.  I just have to print out my "work"sheets and follow them. Who cares if its the middle of the month?  Not me! 

I'm also going to start couch to 5k in the morning. I am not a morning person, so that 5:30 alarm is going to be my first battle.  It is already set, and I already have my clothes laid out.

I may decide to sleep in them, so I can hit snooze just once. Lol!

I'm also going to make sure I finish my Believing God bible study this week.  I've been dragging my feet because I don't want to be done, so I'm going to find my next study by next weekend.  

My friend Megan got me this necklace, and it may be my mantra for the next few weeks.
Katie at The Adopt Shoppe makes them, and Megan landed a couple of them for us because she's awesome that way.  I absolutely love it.  It's very me and Megan.

Wish me luck.  My title says it all!


P.S. Rylee is asleep in her bed. Yay!!!!

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