Sunday, September 29, 2013

My peeps

It was such a good weekend. I had an absolutely wonderful, spur of the moment (sort of), Saturday morning with my bestie. We shopped for our favorite things at a crafty garage sale and Hobby Lobby. Then, we had a nice lunch at Maria's. It was the first time I had seen her since her father passed away almost 2 weeks ago. I am so proud of the way she handled his illness and death. I know she has had some tough times and dark moments, and I imagine there will be more in her future. However, I sincerely hope that I can handle the same situation with a similar grace and strength when/if I'm in that position. I'm quite sure her dad is very grateful and impressed with his daughter. I must also give a major shout out to my fantastic husband. While I was out having a good time with Heather, he went to Home Depot with both kids and bought us a new washer and dryer. Our washer pretty much died, and our dryer hasn't worked well for a long time. He even got the really nice ones that I've admired for a long time. I can't wait to get them home tomorrow and do a load of laundry. I'm not sure what I'll wash since we went to my parent's this afternoon to do laundry as all four of us needed something clean for tonight or tomorrow, so all of our clothes are clean. I think I'll have to change the sheets on every bed in the house. LOL! Of course, I hear I'll have to completely re-learn how to do laundry since we'll have the HE front loads now. I'm excited!!! Do I have the absolute best people in my life or what? I am so very, very blessed!!!

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