Monday, September 30, 2013


I have a love/hate relationship with fundraising. I hate asking people to buy cookie dough, pizza, cakes, magazines, etc. to support my kid's school even though I know how important it is for the school. It's just hard because most of my friends have kids who are selling the same things or other things. For example, I buy popcorn for my best friend's son's cub scout pack, and she buys cookie dough from Aiden. It works out, but it's not enjoyable. I also have issues paying $15 for cookie dough when I know I can buy it at WM for a couple of bucks. On something, I am cheap. Blame my husband. On the other hand, I absolutely love doing Scentsy Family fundraisers for others. I am blessed to have a business with a LARGE emphasis on contributing more than we take (Thanks, Orville!!!). They pretty much let us "run" it how we want, so we can work with an organization or individual needing funds to figure out what works best for them. I have done a few fundraisers with PeaceKids over the years, and I am on the eve another one. I think I am the most excited about this one because the teachers are excited. In the past, I donated the money straight to the Center itself for them to use as needed. This year, the money will go directly to the classrooms - the more the room raises, the more funds they will get. I'm also going to give host rewards to the teachers in the clasrooms because they are awesome and deserve a little something extra for all their hard work. A few of them even commented on it in the monthly newsletter. No pressure on me or anything. LOL!!! It's going to be a super busy week getting all the packets ready for delivery and setting up shop to show off our goodies and answer questions. Plus, I have a Velata order to place tonight while it's 10% off, receive an order and distribute it, and make samples of the October scent of the month - I love love love Cider Mill!) Thank goodness this is a family business with Joseph and Aiden helping me every step of the way. What a wonderful way to be busy!!! Helping others and having fun at the same time. ~Heather

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