Thursday, October 24, 2013

Happy Birthday, Rylee

I canNOT believe it's been a year since Rylee was born. The time has flown by so fast, but she feels as though she's been a part of our family forever. We took mini cupcakes to day care for her class to have with snack. They also sang Happy Birthday to her. Mrs. Norma and Mrs. Cindy from her infant room had those kids make Rylee a card. So sweet! Rylee wore her red and black ladybug tutu today for the occasion, but she did not want to pose for any pictures. I got a few actions shots but nothing good. We took out for dinner at Denny's because breakfast food seems to be her favorite. Then, we played at home and had a round of mini cupcakes with us. She really likes the cupcakes. LOL! Her actually party will be on Saturday at my parent's house. We're keeping it pretty small, but I'm doing my best to still make it special. You only celebrate your first birthday once, right? I went years not think I would have another baby, and I was very ok with that decision. I am so glad God didn't listen to our plan and sent us this little princess. She has such a personality. She is cute and funny and sweet, but she also has a temper. I love my baby girl! I wasn't sure how I could possibly love another human being as much as I love Aiden, but there was plenty of room in my heart for another one. I am absolutely blessed and in love with my family - Joseph, Aiden, and Rylee. ~Heather

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