Thursday, October 3, 2013


Will I never learn that I can't do it all the night before? UGH! I so had this fundraiser kickoff thing planned way better in my head. I really should have worked on it last weekend (and maybe sooner than that). I mean this is like me doing a real event with stock to sell and everything. My biggest problem tonight was logistics. You don't realize how much space approximately 30 Scentsy Warmers takes up until you try to pack them to take them somewhere else. And I thought storing them here was tough. Geesh! Parties are so much easier and simpler! LOL! I have always been a terrible procrastinator, and it's never served me well. I have the best of intentions to plan ahead and do things early, and I'm still up until all hours the night before anything big getting the job done. We were up until 12:30 last night getting the packets finalized (that included a 2 hours nap for me on the couch with Rylee). Now, it's almost 11:00, and I need to pull out my old scent testers and add in the new ones. I think I'm going to go spread out all of the bed and get it done. The old ones are already sorted by category, so I don't think it's going too be tough getting it done. I think most everything is packed up and ready to go. I'm sure I'll come up with something that I have to do before I head to PeaceKids for the kickoff tomorrow afternoon. As soon as this kickoff is kicked, I'm going to work on Rylee's 1st birthday party. Then, I'm going to get back to my Disney planning. Oh, and I need to prep for a yard sale we're having in a couple of weeks. I swear, sometimes I think I'm a glutton for punishment, but I seem to enjoy it. How sick is that? ~Heather

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