Thursday, October 3, 2013


I find peace in doing my routine.  You know how I told you I was all cranky yesterday morning without my coffee and the trip to the eye doctor?  Well, I didn't mention how I felt better when I got to work.  

Work is not my favorite place to be, but there was a comfort factor in being where I was supposed to be, where I'm used to being in the morning.  

I like to be comfortable.  I guess we all do.  I like to wrap myself around a mug of something hot, usually coffee.  I like to cuddle with a blanket, my kids, and my hubby.  I like to change out of work clothes into lounge clothes as soon as I get home.  Are you noticing a trend?  I sure am!

The thing is I need to step away from my comfort zone more often.  This is the only way to grow.  I want to be a better person all around - Christian, wife, mom, businesswoman, leader/mentor, etc.  I need to make myself uncomfortable and do the things that make me squirm.  I certainly had some squirmy moments doing the bible study, but I know I'm better because of it.

Now I just have to get out there and so it.  What's the worst that could happen? 


P.S.  This is what 70 fundraising packets look like in this house.
So glad my hubby helped so much!!!!!

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