Monday, October 28, 2013

Restless Toddler Syndrome

Rylee was super restless last night which means we didn't get much sleep. I hit my wall at about 9:00 this evening. I was hoping to get a Scentsy order done and to bed early, but here it is almost 11 and neither one of those things are done. As tired as she was, Rylee didn't really want to go to sleep at bedtime. After I got Aiden to sleep, I took over with her to give Joseph a break. She was in a much better mood than she was before dinner, so we just played a little bit on the couch. It didn't take too long before she was ready to call it a night. Of course, by the time she fell asleep so had we. LOL! I just put her in her bed and washed my face. I'm going to do one last check on the Monster Monday deals, and I'm crashing out myself. I really hope she sleeps better tonight and feels good tomorrow. She's got a little rash on her body and cheeks from something. I don't know if it was the cupcake, the milk, the dust, or what, but she clearly had a reaction to something she came in contact with in the last day. Fortunately, it wasn't severe, and we all survived another Monday. Good night all, ~Heather

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