Saturday, October 5, 2013

Terrific Kid

Aiden was the Kiwanis Terrific in his class this past week. He got a pencil, a sticker, and a certificate. It's not his first time. He received the same honor last year the week Rylee was born (the Monday before to be exact). It was funny to me that my response (as well as that of both my parents) was the same. "Of course, he got terrific kid. We've known he was terrific for a long time." And he is terrific. He does such a good job in school. He's aced all his spelling tests, hasn't been on any of the "bad" behavior colors this year, doesn't complain about going to after school care much, etc. Mr. Nathaniel from Kid's World (his after school program) even told me what a great helper he is and wanted to know if it would be OK to bring him some candy. Apparently, stickers aren't enough to show his appreciation any more. He's a great big brother. If she cries, he's right there to soothe her. He plays with her. He can make her laugh like no ones else. He will "babysit" her while we change laundry around, get dressed, or run to the bathroom. He makes bottles for her on occasion and has helped with diaper changing a few times. He's a special son. He helps around the house with very little prodding and often of his own accord. He still likes to cuddle with mom (but just a little). He loves to play with dad. He talks to us - a lot. He adores his grandparents. Of course, he has bad days and selfish moments just like anybody else. He is not perfect. But I don't think I could ask for a son that could possibly be any better than my Aiden. I absolutely love him more than any words have ever expressed. He is such a blessing, and I've greatly enjoyed watched him grow into the little boy that he is. He has made being a mommy my most favorite job. I didn't even get in to how stinking cute he is either. If he can just teach his little sister to be just like him. . . . :) I'm teasing, of course. She's her own person and just as wonderful in her special ways. Now, I need to go to bed. He's sound asleep in my bed, and I'm probably going to watch his angel face for a few minutes before I go to sleep myself. ~Heather

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