Sunday, October 6, 2013


I sometimes feel like I work almost as hard on the weekends that I do during the week. With a full time job, two littles, and a home business I just can't always get things like cleaning, laundry, and decorating done during the week. Don't get me wrong, there's some play time on the weekends too. We generally sleep a little later and stay up later. We visit my parents almost every weekend now that they are virtually around the corner. We run around town shopping for necessities and fun. I've decided that it's all about balance. Which isn't any different than any other day. I have to sacrifice time for business and chores during the week in order to spend time with my kids before they go to bed. There just isn't much time from 5:30 (when we get home) to 8:00 (when we start getting the kids ready for bed), especially when you have to account for dinner and homework. I'm very fortunate that my husband is the household chef, so I can spend that time with the kids. Now, part of that time is spent doing homework with Aiden. I actually enjoy this because it's so fascinating for me to watch him grow and learn from week to week. Balance on the weekends is a lot different though. I have a tendency to want to do nothing because I'm tired from the long week. Then, I get mad at myself by Sunday night and try to get something done, or I berated myself for being so lazy. This weekend I went to my old reliable - a list. It works so well for me at work and for major projects at home that I thought I should try it for a mundane weekend. I have to say it worked pretty well. I had 14 things total on the list some of which are long term projects that I knew I wouldn't really get to this weekend. I crossed off 9 items, have a couple of things I can do tomorrow, and have 3 major projects left on the list for future bursts of time. It feels like a pretty accomplished weekend. A balanced weekend. ~Heather

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