Friday, October 18, 2013

Yard Sale

Oh my goodness, I am tired. We're having a yard sale this weekend, and we were the busiest I have ever been at a yard sale for a Friday. I can't imagine how busy we will be tomorrow. I may have to look for some more sales items. LOL! It seems craft weekend is a good weekend to have a yard sale too. I've always liked doing yard sales. I remember my mom having them when I was a kid, and I would have a lemonade stand. Now that I'm an adult they are a lot of work, but I still enjoy it. I'm a people watcher, so I think I like seeing different people and observing their behavior. I think I also like just being outside for a whole day. Even though it usually means a sunburn for me (yes, my face is burnt tonight). Ours is usually a multi-family event, and I really like getting to hang out with my family and friends too. Since the alarm will go off early tomorrow and I need to get some fundraiser orders entered, I'm making this a short post. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!! ~Heather

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