Thursday, November 14, 2013

Family First

My family is and always will be my number one priority.  

I've worked hard to earn a living to go places and do fun things with my family.  I've worked hard to gain a little respect to get a little flexibility.  I changed positions to get even more flexibility to have the freedom to be more active in my children's lives.  

Everything I do is for my family.  This is not going to change no matter what anybody else says or does.  

I will not keep feeling guilty over my decisions because they made things more difficult for any one else.  They are responsible for their own decisions, not me.

My love and loyalty does expand beyond my family, and I will go to bat for those people and fight as hard as I impossibly can to help them.  It hurts when I know that they don't know that.

Still yet, my family comes above all.  No if, no ands, no buts, and no apologies.

That is all.


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