Sunday, November 10, 2013

Re-dedication ..... Again

It's been a very trying couple of weeks for me. It all started with the pay cut at work. Then, a cold started making the rounds through the house and resulted in 2 and half days off work to take care of Rylee. It took me much longer than I wanted to get the PKLC fundraiser closed, so it's taking longer to come in. (It'll be here tomorrow - YAY!!!) The funk I was came to a head yesterday when I spent a good part of the day in bed and/or crying. You know you just get to a point and can't take any more. Yeah, that's were I was yesterday, and I blame the situation at work. It doesn't help that we keep losing good people to other firms. The morale is in the crapper, and if it weren't for Megan and Kim it would be absolutely unbearable to be there for me. It's not even so much about the money at this point. We've got that figured out, and it's not making as big a dent our lives as I'd expected - just going to take longer to pay off some debt. I'm hoping that all the tears I shed yesterday has purged my system, so I can move forward. I had an epiphany on Tuesday when I was driving Rylee home from the doctor, and I'm going to focus on it. I'm going to keep my eye on the prize, work hard, and pray that it works out. That all starts tonight by getting myself organized for the boxes that are landing on my door step tomorrow. The next big step is a trip to the post office that should have happened a long time ago. Sometimes I'm a complete flake. I'm going to dedicated myself to a few things - God, family, health, purging things that need to go, my business, me time, and work. I'm not sure yet how I'm going to do it. I've been trying for months, and I still haven't found what works to over all these areas. I'll keep trying until I get it right. I'll fall off the wagon and have to climb back on it. It's who I am and how I work. I am so blessed and grateful for a husband who doesn't understand but takes care of the kids, so I can fall apart. Then, he puts me back together again. I don't want to know where I'd be without him. He's my rock. Thank you, honey!!! I'll keep you posted on my dedications. I know it's all about finding a routine because I like routines, but routines are impossible with a 1-year-old in the house, especially when the house is shared with old pets who don't keep their business where it belongs (if you know what I mean). First up is wrapping up this fundraiser. Then, it's the post office. Wish me luck! ~Heather

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