Monday, March 31, 2014

End of the Month

The last day of the month is a very exciting time in Scentsy.  Everybody is placing last minute orders to meet their personal goals.  Some people are promoting to the next title on the compensation plan.  Every leader is excited to see how their team has done and watch others blossom with this amazing opportunity.

This month on my team:
    A new consultant placed her first order
    A consultant promoted for the first         time (and increased her commission)
    A consultant is reaching 10,000 lifetime sales.

I am so proud of all the ladies on my team.  It does my heart good to see them work so hard and achieve milestones.  It also challenges me to do better and be better, so I can help them reach the next level with their business.

Have you ever thought about running your own business?  I can guarantee there is no cheaper way to do it than by joining a direct sales company.  Find a product you are passionate about and a company that offers you great support, and you will LOVE your job.

If you think the Scentsy Family is for you, please call me.  I'd love to tell you all about how wonderful it is for me and my family!


~ Heather

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