Sunday, March 30, 2014

This planner should have planned better

Ok, so our stove went out the Thursday before spring break (about a week and a half ago).  Long story short - the heating element broke.  Longer version there was a fun little sparking snaky-thing in the oven as dinner was cooking.  We (well, Joseph) pulled the oven out and unplugged it.  Finished dinner in the microwave and toaster oven.  Genius husband found a new part on amazon for  less than half what it cost elsewhere.  Handy husband also replaced the part when it came.

Heating element out.

Had to remove the back to set the new one

Apparently, it was 5:44 when we unplugged it.

Well, the moral of this story is I didn't plan to be without an oven for a week very well.  I knew it would be out that long, but I just defaulted to using the microwave for the time being because I didn't think, and it was easier.  (It was the trip to Branson and the allergies that got me.)  I did manage to think of the crockpot toward the end of our grocery shopping (duh!!!) and got a roast and some veggies.

What did I forget you ask?  MY RACLETTE!!!!!  I'm such an idiot sometimes.  I've been drooling over all these #raclettewars post on Facebook, but I didn't think to use it this opportune time.  I could have cooked dinner all week on that sucker and not warmed it up in a microwave or toaster oven.  (Palm to forehead!). The pictures below are what I should have done.

If it happens again, I will remember.


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