Sunday, April 13, 2014

Building a cathedral to leave a legacy

I have so much to say that I'm not sure where to start.  For those that follow me regularly, I'm sorry I missed last night.  It was a long day, and I was exhausted and not feeling well by the time we settle in at my in-laws in Inola.

Today I attended a leadership retreat in Tulsa that was probably one of the most eye opening things I've ever done.

It all goes back to the question - what do you want to be when you grow?  My answer has been I don't know, but I know I want to help people.  When I joined Scentsy 3 years ago, I saw the potential for it to be a life-changing business.  I wanted it to be my ticket to working from home.  I learned about what I was selling, and I learned how to sell from this amazing team out of Oklahoma.  I heard a lot of talk about finding your why, and I thought I knew what that was - mine was my family and my desire to be a work-from-home wife and mom.  It wasn't enough.  My business is not where I want it to be.

In the past 10 days some things have happened.  My sponsor has decided to quit Scentsy.  I was given the opportunity to attend this retreat that I didn't think I could attend.  I've been challenged to step way outside my comfort zone.  I worked on my What Happens When Women Say Yes To God Bible study again.  I re-watched Orville's Arrows Out.  I attended today's retreat and drove back alone in a quiet car.  This was when my crossroads met.

The big theme for the day was finding our why by targeting our strengths and tapping into who we are at out core.  The final speech (which brought me near tears) challenged us to decide if we want to be brick layers or build cathedrals.  Do we want to work or leave a legacy?  We even built a cathedral with bricks containing our answers.

On the way home I was thinking about my why because I knew I wasn't done with it yet.  I was thinking how I want to be my version of Allison Dalke and the Okie girls and wondered why.  I realized I want to do what she does.  I want to inspire people to be the best version of themselves that they can be.  I want to help people make their dreams come true.  

DING DING DING!!!  I want to help people when I grow up.  I want to be a Scentsy Family Consultant and a Director when I grow up.  I have to focus beyond myself to make that happen.  I can't be afraid to bless the world with the great products or the amazing opportunity.  I have to get uncomfortable and grow as a person and a leader to help others realize their potential and their dreams.    I think I could feel the light bulb going off over my head - seriously.

Because I'm a dork and always look for validation from the greater world around me, I began to think about what had brought me to to this moment.  I REALLY wanted to attend this retreat, but it wasn't in the budget.  An unexpected email helped make it happen.  I watched Orville's speech about focusing outside of yourself because I needed to prepare a training in my sponsor's place to continue a challenge we started.  I'm trying to hear and respond more to God's influence in my life because of the Bible study.  I don't think I'm putting this into words very well but know I am not lying when I tell you that as the thoughts were coming to me I was fighting tears.

I know it sounds crazy, but I think I was put there today to put all these pieces together for a greater good.  I'm not saying I'm going to change the world because I figured out what I want to be when I grow up.  I'm just saying this is a life-changing opportunity for me to do what I've always wanted to do - help people.

I am not going to just lay bricks or bring home a paycheck.  I'm going to build a cathedral.  I'm going to leave a legacy.  A legacy of achieving goals, of being there for my husband and kids, of realizing dreams, and of teaching other people to do the same thing for themselves.

When I got to the house and wanted to post a shout-out of thanks to the organizers of the retreat on Facebook, I found this picture that I'd saved earlier in the day.

I told you I'm a dork and look for validation.  I can't wait to see my cathedral.


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