Thursday, April 10, 2014


So I didn't get as much done today as I wanted.  I spent the beginning of my day tinkering around the deck - putting things back where the belong after a windy winter mostly.  I so enjoyed being outside and even ate my breakfast out there.

I tried to do my bible study too, but it was too windy, so I came inside and opened the blinds and put in a spring scent.

I worked on some orders and laundry before going to Hobby Lobby.  I spent WAY to much time there looking at mustache stuff and getting some sample-making supplies.

I finished some more laundry and planned some upcoming Scentsy training before heading to a PTA meeting.

It wasn't nearly as much as I wanted to get done, but I was feeling pretty lazy.  I did go for a walk with the kids before dinner.  The first mile of my 100 mile challenge.  Yay!!

Now that's it's late I'm going to sleep.  I'll work again tomorrow.  ;). I do wonder why I always think I can get so much more done in a day. . .

~ Heather

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