Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday

This is an emotional day for me as a Christian.  It's the day we remember Christ died for us on the cross.

I sob when I watch any re-enactment of this event.  I was not a pretty picture after watching The Passion movie that came out several years ago, and I boo-hooed all over again when I watch it for Easter weekend on DVD a year later.  Every. Single. Time.

I ache that Jesus endured the beating, the crown of thorns, the heckling, the cruxifiction - for me.

I don't deserve it!  And yet he thinks I do.  He would do it all over again to ensure my place in heaven with Him.  He loves me that much.  Wow!!!  Guess what?  He loves you that much too!  His love knows no bounds and is meant for all willing to accept it.  What an amazing and precious and beyond words gift!!!

As I reflect on the pain of this day, I know the good news that is coming.

Reading this Psalm tonight in our egg carton while coloring eggs, I was reminded that He has made every day - the good and the bad.  We can rest in the fact that His plan is greater than ours.  Praise be to God!!!


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