Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Music makes it all better

I love music and have an eclectic playlist on my phone.  Thanks mostly to my darling hubby because he's in charge if the iTunes account.  LOL!!  Seriously, I like most everything on there.

This is a random snapshot of songs:

I seem to get way more done when I listen to music.  For me, it's a way to block everything else out and focus on the task at hand.  It's especially convenient when I'm at work because I need to block the noise going on around me.  Unfortunately, I sometimes get too zoned out and startle when somebody talks to me (if I hear them).  Honestly, I try  to keep the volume low enough to know if/when somebody needs me, but occasionly I have a lot to block out.

If I really need to get stuff done at home, I'm much better off to flip on the radio than the tv.  It keeps me moving.  Which is why it's also good when I take a walk or when I was jogging.  I just can't sit still when I listen to music which I'm sure gives my work neighbors some entertainment.

Sometimes my playlist cracks me up because I keep it on shuffle, and I'll go from George Straight to Korn to Elvis to a Christmas song.  I told you it was eclectic.

Music is symbolic for me too.  Sara Barellis's Brave seems to pop up when I'm stepping out of my comfort zone or stepping into a challenge.  Anytime I'm puzzling and praying over a decision, I listen more closely to the lyrics looking for a message.  It's so awesome when just the right song comes on at just the right time to comfort or uplift.

How does music fit into your life?


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