Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I've been wanting to take a day off just for myself for quite some time, but it never worked out.  I thought this would be a good week because it's the 1 week of the month I don't have invoicing due.  I always have work to do and needed to catch up on a few things, so I targeted Thursday to give me time to do some of those things.  Well, all week has been super busy and not with those things.

I decided it was time for an official to-do list after spending all of yesterday doing project set-ups.

I knew fires would break out (they always do), so I didn't assume I would get everything done.  Plus, a couple of the items would be rather time consuming.  However, I made it my goal to get at least half of it done in order to give myself the day away from BG.

Here is the results

The list sprouted to a second page, but when I left work there were only 5 items remaining plus one thing not written down.  I have to confess that somebody volunteered to do my accounting filing (SUPER YAY!!!), but I did staple, hole bunch, and organize it all into numerical before leaving it with her.  I also took this as a sign that I should take my day.  ;)

I am so excited to spend tomorrow at home.  I'm going to enjoy a quiet breakfast and bible study.  I may go for a jog/walk if it's not too cool in the morning.  Then, I'm going to work Scentsy and wash baby clothes for consigning until I got to a PTA meeting.   

I'm sure I'll share my fun times on social media and write about it here.  It sounds like my ideal day, so I'm going to bed early for a change.  After all I can do things tomorrow that I would normally do after the kids are asleep tonight.  YAY!!!


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