Saturday, April 26, 2014


Oh my stars and bars I am tired!!!  The weather was perfect, and I took advantage.

Aiden and I did the Race for the Cure this morning.  It's kind of become our thing.
It was a little cloudy and cool in the morning, but it was just right for the race.

We even went to MickeyD's for breakfast after the fun.

Once we got home, I mowed the yard.  It was in desperate need, and Joseph hates doing it.

Then it was off to Nana and Popaw's to make our garden.  Joseph and I took turns tilling.  Rylee didn't want to nap, so Nana took the kids for a ride on her scooter.

Once the ground was ready we went to Garden  City and Home Depot to get the plants and some fertilizer.  Then we planted and played in the diet.

I think I can safely say we're all pooped.  After a pizza dinner and baths for the kids, we came home, put the little one in bed, and for ourselves cleaned up.  Now we're just relaxing and planning for the stormy day tomorrow.

It was a near perfect day!  Hopefully I will be able to move tomorrow.  I'm sure I will need ibuprofen (I've already take one dose).  LOL!


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