Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day

Rylee is doing better today.  Her fever seems to be staying in check.  She was pretty restless around 5 this morning, so we gave her another dose of medicine.  She settled down and slept until around 10.  

She woke up in quite the good mood and insisted in hugging my puppy love.

This is my favorite lovey from when I was a little girl which did this momma's heart good.  I've had him since I was 5 months old which makes him VERY old.  LOL!!  He may have to take up residence in her crib now.  ;)

Aiden came home from Nana and Popaw's around noon.  He was in a pretty good mood, and we found time to finally try his band loom.

I see lots of fun with this over the summer.  ;)

We enjoyed a lot of time outside today too, but I didn't take pictures.  I'll update on that one tomorrow.

For now, I'm heading to bed, so I can get up earlier in the morning for some bible and exercise time.

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and remembered our troops.


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