Monday, June 16, 2014

Blessed by Fathers

I was too sick and tired last night to post about the fathers in my life, but I couldn't not share my love for these great influences.

First and foremost is my Father in Heaven.  Without His bountiful grace, I would be doomed.  I am just beginning to grow closer to Him, and the things I'm learning are simply breath-taking.

Second is my father, David Magouyrk.  He is an incredible example of loyalty and love.  I can only hope that I can be for my loved ones what he has been and continues to be for us.

Next is my husband, Joseph Pratt.  He is a tremendous father to our children.  I will forever be grateful to be in partnership with this man throughout this journey called life and parenthood.  Our children are very blessed to have him.

Last but certainly not least is my father in law, George Pratt.  For the last 15 years he has treated me as though I were his own child.  I am so happy to have him in my life and that he raised such an amazing man for me.  

I am one very lucky and blessed woman thanks to these men!!!


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