Sunday, July 6, 2014

Brain Buzz

I have so much going on in my brain that I don't even know what to write about.  LOL!!  It's Scentsy family reunion week, so I have a lot to do in short amount of time before we hit the road on Tuesday afternoon.  

Packing is relatively easy because my Scentsy shirts are a given, and it's summer which means capris or shorts.  Then it's just finding Yellow Box flip flops to match. 

I have 2 parties when I get back and need to touch base with those hostesses.  I also had a party today that I need to close or get very close to closing before we go.  I desperately need to go to the post office before we head out of town too.

My fabulous husband has the house and car clean, so we just have to maintain until we leave (easier said than done with little ones).  He's also starting the last of the laundry.  I am so lucky!!

Ok, I totally needed that brain dump.  Now, I'm going to write it in my planner and get my paperwork together.  Thanks for being my audience.

Speaking of my awesome hubby, this was tonight's dessert. 

The whipped topping was great and made with milk and sugar in our latest Wolfgang Puck blender.  Yumm-o!


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