Saturday, July 12, 2014

Oh what a night

What a difference 2 years makes.  At the Las Vegas Scentsy convention in 2012, I sat behind Allison Dalke the whole 2 and a half days and couldn't muster the courage to even say hi.  

She is my SuperStar Director and the kind of woman I want to be, but not just with her business.  I watched from afar through online trainings, Facebook, Scentsy events, Instagram, her blog, etc. She is my inspiration.  Sometimes I felt a little like a stalker because I wanted to drink in anything I could learn from her.  Stil. I couldn't even say hi, but I sent her message.  I think she said I was silly.  LOL!  

Tonight I was blessed to watch her receive the Shining Star Award which is Scentsy's highest honor.  Recipients are nominated by other consultants, and then chosen by home office leaders.  I was among the ones that nominated her, and my letter was read on stage to announce her winning.  As if that wasn't perfect enough, her sister-in-law, Jacquelyn Roy (another one of my inspirations) won too.  

I laughed.  I cried.  I squealed and screamed.  I may have even left marks on Joseph's leg when I realized it was my nomination being read.

Tonight, I am so proud to call these women my friends.  I am so glad I finally found my courage to make the personal connection with them through Spring Sprint and LTC and to be able to share a little of this moment with them.

am so thankful that Scentsy has brought such women into my life.  I am better because of them.  Although I have met so many fantastic people through this company, I can't think of any stars that shine brighter than these 2!

I can't wait to see what differences await me when we make it to Las Vegas next July for another Scentsy Family Reunion!


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