Monday, October 6, 2014

How did we do it?

Before I tell you about the other topic that's been banging around in my head, I have to tell you about my near perfect night.

It seemed like a completely normal night at the beginning, but the full moon must be smiling on us.

We got home as usual.  Joseph started dinner while I entertained Rylee and Aiden did homework and reading.  Then the amazing started - the kids ate their dinner with scarce a complaint.  Rylee stayed close to her seat until she wanted help eating a little more.  Aiden vacuumed while she finished up, and Joseph took out the trash.

I was so pleased with dinner I wanted to make pumpkin spice cookies, but Aldi didn't have cream cheese icing and we were out of butter.  While Joseph zipped to the store, the kids and I went outside to play football and ride the scooter and trike.  As soon as a mosquito bit me, we came inside.

The kids helped me get the cookies in the oven while Joseph loaded some baggies with Santa Maria BBQ for our 1200 samples that are due this week for Taste of Home Cooking School goody bags.  I helped him when I could, and the kids played with each other.

Aiden headed to the shower while I topped the cookies with icing and cinnamon (the latter was his idea).

Then we enjoyed the yumminess before the kids headed to bed.  

Now, it's not even 10:00, and the house is quiet.  Joseph and I can enjoy the game or shower or go to bed or work or clean or whatever. Yay!!!


P.S.  Did I mention I even got on the treadmill this morning?  What a day!!!

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