Sunday, November 9, 2014

Reflections on a month

Today officially marks one month since I was laid off from my job of 12 and a half years.  Time has seriously flown.  Here are a few reflections of my new life.

I still have moments of giddiness when I want to pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming - usually when picking up Aiden from school or cuddling with Rylee.

It's almost impossible to be productive while keeping a 2-year-old entertained, but I'm consistently getting laundry and dinner done and making progress with cleaning and work.

It feels AMAZING to finally call Scentsy my work!!!!! 💚💜

I wouldn't call it an easy transition, but it was all in my head.  Again, I'm making progress.

Our world operates much more smoothly with me at home - more time (quality and quantity) with kids, fewer meals out, etc.

The kids seem to get along even better.  I wouldn't say they didn't get along before, but it wasn't always easy to get them to play together.  Now it happens spontaneously.

Planning my week is the best thing I can do for myself.  For example, I don't have to do errands everyday, if I plan ahead what days to go out.  

Pick-up line is a good time for relaxation for both of us.

Aiden loves play time in the yard after school, especially if mommy plays with him.

I'm finally starting to relax into this wahm lifestyle.  It hard to work sometimes, but I'm teaching my self to not feel as guilty if I have to work at night or on weekends because I get so much more time with the kids during the week.  

I'm looking forward to so many things that are easier now - school breaks and snow days.  

I never want my kids to be sick, but I won't have to worry about my boss being mad, missing meetings, letting down co-workers.

I can do lunch with my BFF with little planning, and I can take my mom to the store and spend the whole day with her.

Some days I'm on my feet as much as when I worked in retail.

I really don't like lunch time.  It's hard to please us both with something that's a quick fix, and she sure isn't going to let me spend much time making it.  LOL!

I'm loving this new life.  It's not always good days, but the bad days are better than before and easier to start over (often my playing with my favorite girl).

I'm trying to take it one day at a time with small goals for each day, so I'm not frustrated if things don't get done.  I can guess that down the road I'm going to need to find some me time as much or more than ever.  Keeping up with the kids is exhausting some days, and I already miss interaction with adults beyond Joseph and text messages.  Team meetings my start happening for my sanity.  Ha!

Well, I'm thinking that is more than enough reflection.  I need to go plan the week, so I get most things outside the house done before the polar vortex of winter hits.  


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