Monday, August 31, 2015

Scentsy and me

This post is pretty late in coming, but I really haven't had much time to write.  Busy is good though!

I still have days when Scentsy amazes me, even after 4 and a half years.  I've thought a lot about my business in the last year - should I grow, should I quit, how to improve, etc.  

I decided in June that I was going to relaunch my business with the fall catalog and try to start implementing some new things in August.  

Our Scentsy Famuly Reunion (aka convention)was in July, and I looked forward to it all year.  I was eager to see the new products and get some inspiration.  I was also excited about reconnecting with some Scentsy friends that I don't get to see often.

But just before the first session began, I sat in the MGM Grand feeling sorry for myself.  I was watching others being surrounded by teammates - up and down their line - while Joseph and I sat alone.  None of my downline went to  Las Vegas, and I don't have an active sponsor or director.  As usual I was doubting myself and my ability to be successful in this business.

Heidi Thompson's (she's the president of Scentsy) speech reminded me that I'm in a different place than some of the others.  Even more important, it's okay that my wings aren't fully developed yet.

Because I still have some growing to do before I'm ready.  But my time will come.

As if that was enough reassurance, Orville Thompson's (he's the CEO) speech was about seasons.  He has this beautiful way of tying truths of nature or history or life to our selves and our business.  Although I've been with Scentsy for a while I'm still in a early season because I haven't REALLY worked it for long.  Every season is vital to creating a strong and fruitful foundation.

Did I mention I had a front row seat for this one thanks to my amazing Scentsy friends?

We experienced some amazing entertainment, 

beautifully inspiring speeches, 

astounding new products,

 an opportunity to win a free trip to Disney World, 

and friendships that I hope will last forever.  

How is it possible that THIS is my job?  I am so blessed by this company and my God!!!!


P.S.  Here's a pic of us too

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