Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mommy 1st

Some days you just have to stop trying to do it all and take care of yourself, so you can be a good mommy.  Yesterday was that kind of day.

Fall allergies are a pain in this house.  Joseph and I are both struggling, but Aiden seems to have fended his off.  I'm diffusing lemon, lavender, peppermint, and thieves at night which is helping SO much.  

We can totally tell the next morning when I don't use it.

Anyway, this week has been tough with a near constant headache, and yesterday I was also getting hot a nauseous when I tried to do much.  

The football schedule and slower shipping (thanks to BUSY sales) has me behind with work, so I was really trying to get my last spring/summer deliveries done and a catalog party delivered yesterday.  By 12:30, I realized that I just couldn't do it and expect to be well enough to go to Aiden's game that night.

So, you know what?  I put my son first.  I told my customers I wasn't feeling great and was behind, so I needed an extra day.  Nobody complained!  Thank goodness for understanding moms!

I was still feeling pretty yucky after scrblin around to get everybody else homeoworked, fed, dressed, and out the door in time to be at the field by 5:30.  But we made it!!

I got to see Aiden play a lot of the first half, and he was involved in his first tackle.  His team won big!

And you know what?  I felt better during the second half of that game than I'd felt all week. 

The deliveries will get done.  The catalog party will get delivered.  The house will get cleaned.  All in due time.  The important thing yesterday was to be well enough to be there for my son.


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