Saturday, January 21, 2012

Timing is everything

OK, so I was so happy to have my office back that I totally fell off my de-clutter wagon and worked on Scentsy all week. of course that probably had a lot to do with learning on Tuesday that Scentsy was almost ready to announce 2 new product lines and our first new brand, which they did Thursday night. I am so excited about where this business is headed. What a blessing and an opportunity this has brought to my life. I think Orville and Heidi Thompson (the CEO & President of Scentsy) are geniuses touched by our Lord to be so generous. I have picked a great time to find my simplicity because I am going to need it, so I can more fully focus on growing my business and still have time for my family, myself, and my Lord and Savior. It should be totally doable if I can make daily tasks simpler for all of us. Which brings me to what I did work on this week other than Scentsy - daily chores. Many years ago I set up a plan to get the basics done every week. It was based on Flylady's Weekly Home Blessing but adapted for a working Mom who didn't have an hour every Monday to clean. Instead I assigned tasks to every day that can be accomplished in about 10 minutes. Every morning - swish the toilet with the brush and swipe the counter and sinks with cleaner wipe (do NOT move around everything on the counter) Monday - wash linens and put out fresh towels and sheets Tuesday - wash adult darks and dust (feather not cleaner and cloth) Wednesday - wash adult lights and clean mirrors and/or sliding glass door Thursday - wash Aiden's clothes and clean floors (vacuum and mop) Friday - makeup day for anything missed earlier in the week Every evening - load and run dishwasher if it's full Honestly I didn't do this perfectly this week, but I did better than I have in months. One step at a time, right? Right! If my in-laws called and wanted to come over this weekend, I could be ready for company with about 10 minutes notice (to pick up various coats and toys). Well, that is my update for this week. Joseph and I have already decided to work on the kitchen next week, so I should be back to regular posts. I'll be out of town again next weekend though for Scentsy Spring Sprint. Yay!!!! Here's to 2012 being the best ever!!!

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