Sunday, January 15, 2012

Workable Space(s)

I did it!  It wasn't on my intended timeline, but life is more important than a timeline.  I was all geared up Friday to work on my home office as soon as I got home, but my boys wanted a movie night.  I compromised and worked on the space while Joseph made dinner, and I spent the rest of the night with my favorite boys.  I got up a little earlier on Saturday and worked on it for an hour before eating breakfast and heading off to work at Signed Sealed Delivered.  After six hours on my feet, I was just too tired to clean and organize, so we snuggled in bed and watched another movie.  Feeling very inspired about my Scentsy future after reading Allison Dalke's blog all week, I was determined to get my office usable and spent most of Sunday getting it in shape.  It's not perfect, but it's the best I can do with the amount of space that I have.  I even spent some time working on my scrapping space.  I don't have any pictures of it because it was an after thought and was really just picking up and putting things away.  The important thing is that it's also a usable space again.  I'll do an in-depth purge of that space down the road.  If I could just get Aiden's books, balls, and stuffed animals back in his room, the whole room would be in good shape.  Here are some pictures.


I really had most of my tools in place to organize my office.  I just needed to clean and label.  I also flipped my stock and my personal collection to make the stock items more accessible.  At some point in the future I'll clean out the desk drawers and doors more, but I was more concerned about the surface for this go around.  I can use this area without those spaces.


I'm using $12 shelves from Walmart to store my stock.  I'm using my favorite clear shoe boxes to store my stock bars.  (You can do the same with your personal collections of Scentsy Bars, if you have one).  I'm also use a 4-drawer plastic cart for various business supplies.  By the way, my amazing husband built the desk and the wall unit several years ago.  It's just gorgeous.  I love him so much for all the ways he loves and supports me.  I'm so very blessed to have spent the last 13 years of my life with him.  Sorry for getting off topic.  I also make sure to keep inspiring things in my work space - pictures of my family, notes of encouragement from others, and other things I love.  Enjoy your work space, and you'll enjoy being there to get the job done.
I'm hoping to do some re-decorating in there in the coming months.  This room was initially our "sports" room, and there is lots of memorabilia that needs to go or find a new home.  HaHaHa!

I have so much more to say, but I've said enough for tonight.  I'll leave my more general lessons-learned for another night.

1 comment:

  1. You did an amazing job on your work space Heather! Its so nice to have a clean organized office to work in isnt it? Keep up the great work!
