Sunday, July 14, 2013

Trying again

I've been on and off the blog bandwagon for the past year and realized I was doing it for the wrong reasons, but I still felt this urge to write.  I absolutely adore Allison Dalke's blog and read it regularly (almost daily).  She challenged herself to write everyday for a year, and she did it.  Took a break from it, missed it, and is writing again.  (THANK YOU, ALLISON!)  So, since she is an inspiration to me in many ways, I'm going to take up her challenge for myself and attempt to write every day for a year.  I decided this about a month ago but wanted to spend some time revamping my old Seeking Simplicity blog.  My goal was to be ready to go by my birthday and I was.  Unfortunately, some mean old bug hit my household yesterday afternoon and struck down 3 of us.  Gratefully, it left the littlest of our bunch alone, and Grandma and Grandpa were here to keep her entertained.  Well, they were here to babysit, so Joseph and I could have a nice birthday dinner out but plans had to change.  That's life.  Now, if I succeed with my goal of writing everyday for a year, it will just be something else to celebrate when the next birthday rolls around.  I can't tell you what all I will write about, but since my family is tops in my book I'm guessing a lot of it will center around my life as a super busy mom.  I hope you will come along with me for the ride.  I can't promise it will always be fun or interested, but I can promise it will always be honest. . . and it will be me being the best me I can be.


1 comment:

  1. Heather, what an incredible compliment. Thank you so much for your sweet words.
    I am so proud of you for challenging yourself like this.
    It has been the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done, and I know the Lord will bless your efforts.
    Let me know if you ever need a little encouragement. You can do it!
