Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bad Birthday Reflection

Yes, I know my birthday was 3 days ago, but it has literally taken us 3 days to do the typical birthday things because of that stupid "bug" that invaded this house.  On Saturday, we had the birthday greetings, and Joseph made my favorite orange glaze birthday cake.  On Sunday, I opened my present (at my age it's more cards than gifts, which is totally fine by me).  Tonight, we finally ate birthday cake without candles or song, but I'm too tired to post the picture.  It's on Instagram if you want to see it (heatherrpratt).  Sometime in the next couple of weeks, Joseph and I might even make it out on our "date" birthday dinner.  So, I've had some time to think about birthdays.
A few months ago I was thinking I should have a party for my birthday.  It wasn't a milestone year, but it actually fell on a Saturday and that only happens every so often (it's too late to figure it out tonight).  Something kept holding me back, and I'm so glad it did.  It would have been awful cancelling a party on top of feeling as awful as I did on Saturday afternoon.  I'm glad the Lord was watching out for me on that one.
It's funny the different perspectives we have on birthdays as we get older.  Aiden assumes any birthday means a party with cake, ice cream, and presents - usually at a fun location.  And he always asks if he can go when I mention anybody's birthday.  :)
Why do we stop partying every year on our birthdays as we get older?  I'm sure some people still do, and good for them.  Shouldn't it be even more reason to party as we get older?  Sadly life usually gets in the way - work, money, kids, timing - and we find reasons not to celebrate the momentous occasion of taking our first breath.  I grew up with a party every year for my birthday.  Sometimes I had more than one party, and sometimes I shared with other family members with birthdays close to mine.  Joseph didn't party so much.  It used to really bother me that birthdays were just another day to him.  For one thing I wanted to make a big deal over him, and for another I wanted him to make a big deal over me.  This year I came over to his way of thinking. I'm not sure why, but considering the circumstances it was a good thing.  In the past I would have been horribly upset that the world had conspired to ruin my special day, and I would have been in a funk about it for days.  But not this time.  I'm not happy that we got sick on my birthday, but it wasn't the end of the world.  I got to go to the farmer's market with Joseph and the kids that morning, hang out with them and my in-laws that afternoon and night, and spent time with parents the next day.  I would have enjoyed that kind of weekend even if I was well.  It wasn't exactly the way I imagined my birthday, but you have to roll with the punches.  Even if I had been well, I couldn't have celebrated with a sick kiddo.  My birthday isn't about being made to feel special, it's just feeling special being with the people who make my life special day in and day out - my family.  Holy cow, I might just be growing up. . . it's about time.  LOL!


Day 2 of 365

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