Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Perfect Timing

I've been doing a take two on the Beth Moore bible study called Believing God.  Megan Underwood and I started it last summer but had too many conflicts to finish, so I re-started it on my own a few weeks ago.  I've never done a bible study before, but I absolutely love learning so much about His Word.  That could be it's own post - maybe another day.  The last couple of weeks have been covering Hebrews 11 and the hall of faith. Toward the end of last week, it discussed how things happen according to His perfect timing not ours and how we have to have faith that He will do what He says He will do.  Well, it suddenly dawned on me that I need to let go and let God.  Duh!!!  I've been so frustrated for the past few months that I'm not where I want to be doing what I want to be doing that I never thought that maybe He had a reason for my not accomplishing my goals just yet.  There might just be a purpose behind the way things have happened and ruined my so-called plans.  There was such a weight lifted off my soul Saturday morning when I had this little epiphany that my whole outlook on the world has changed.  Today's lesson was another testament to timing from the perspective of having patience and faith as we wait for His timing.  We forget that time does not mean the same to Him as it does us.  I have decided that I am going to continue to work toward my goals, but I'm not going to try to make it happen on a deadline.  I'm going to give it to God to guide me where and when I need to go.  After all when I've left it to Him in the past, I've received amazing blessings - my husband, my son, and my daughter.  I can literally tell you stories of prayer and faith and perfect timing on the arrival of all three into my life.  How could I ever doubt that He knows better than I do when is the best time for me?  He's proven it 3 awesome times.

Now, I'm going to bed because I am pooped!  Don't let an 8 month old poke you in the eye - it's painful!!!  Who knew a sore eye could make you so tired?  Geez.  :)


Day 3 of 365

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Beth Moore's Believing God! It was the first study I ever led and it changed my life! Keep on going girlie! I'm proud of you!
