Saturday, July 20, 2013

Date Night

Tonight I come to you from my in-law's house in Oklahoma. We brought Aiden over to spend a week with them and decided to stay the night ourselves and try a do-over on my birthday dinner. Thankfully, we were able to go over to Tulsa and have a nice dinner at Cheddar's. I have to admit this wasn't my best Cheddar's experience. The food was mediocre and the service felt rushed. The important thing was that Joseph and I got out together - just the 2 of us. We haven't done that much since we had Aiden. Up until May of this year, we didn't really have reliable family babysitters in the area. My bestie, also named Heather, would have been happy to watch him but lives out in Bella Vista and has her hands full with her own kids. I think some of the teachers from PeaceKids would have watched him too, but we just never asked. We love being with our family and just didn't see the big deal in needing alone time. We get that when the kids go to sleep, right? Well, this is the second time we've been out since Rylee was born. The first was for our anniversary last month. I'm starting to think we might want to do this every month or two. It's not that we do anything overly special, but it's nice having an excuse to dress up for my man and get out of the house. I love my husband dearly. He is truly an answer to a prayer, and I enjoy being out with him. We may talk about the kids or work or money, but at least we can have a conversation without being interrupted by a little person that needs our attention. I love those little attention-needers, but sometimes mommy and daddy need each other's attention too. Yep, I'm thinking date night needs to be a regular part of our life. Look out Nana, Popaw, Grandma, and Grandpa - the kids will be coming over for a few hours. ;). What do you do for some adult time (keep it G rated - this is a family-oriented blog, LOL)? This is new territory, so I'm open to ideas (preferably some inexpensive ones). Have a great rest of the weekend with your loved ones! ~Heather Day 7 of 365

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